1.1.4 Casualty situation : assessing rescue requirements
As previously stated , tree worker accidents may be extremely complex . Accidents may include live conductors , suspended loads , compromised structures and challenging highangle access requirements .
The first concern for an incident controller must be SAFETY . Safety priorities are ranked in the following order :
1 . Yourself 2 . Your team mates 3 . Other members of the public or tree workers on site 4 . The casualty .
Follow an ALL Þ IN philosophy when assessing the risks associated with an incident . Start with the ALL ( the whole site ) and then work IN assessing the area around the tree , the work that was being conducted and the casualty ’ s situation .
Look for opportunities to achieve the rescue with the lowest possible risk . Ideally , this will be either a self-rescue conducted by the casualty , or a self-rescue conducted with assistance such as a belay or support .
Rescue planning process
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