Key to technique diagrams Icon Component Examples
Anchor point .
Belay device .
Pulley , block or other moving rope anchor point .
Haul system or mechanical advantage system .
Suitable point of tree structure , ground anchor , vehicle or similar .
MPD Rescue Belay Device , other dedicated belay device , friction and prusik hitch .
Rescue pulley , rescue block , tandem pulley , rope running over tree branch or similar .
Set of Fours , dedicated or improvised mechanical advantage system .
Casualty .
Rope ( moving ). Arrows will usually show the direction of movement .
Lowering line , belay line .
Rope or lanyard ( static ). Fixed ascent or work positioning rope . Guy line .
Rope or lanyard ( adjustable ).
Set of Fours . Adjustable positioning lanyard .
Force vector ( warning of force being applied in a potentially hazardous direction ).
Force vector ( force applied in an improved direction or at reduced magnitude ).
Used to indicate where a particular system may apply a high force to the tree structure .
Used to indicate where an altered or improved system applies less force .
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